Forging Process Material Metal, Forging, Forging Definition

Forging or forging process is a metal forming process to produce the final product to provide a compressive force with a certain loading rate. In this formation, the workpiece in at or pressed with the tool through several stages.

Wrought products have a fiber structure / flow line direction of the force he had hoped. Forging process flow lines tend  habitual pattern of the outer shape of the object. In general forging process was applied to produce forms of irregular, with sizes ranging from small to large size shape.

Forging operation is generally carried out at high temperatures or hot working, especially for large-size workpieces. Most forging operation performed at low temperatures or cold working for relatively small-sized workpieces. To be able to be a final product, usually formation by forging is done in stages as shown in the picture .Produk Produced Forging Technology / Wrought

Some examples of products produced using forging forming technology can be seen in the image below. Kitchen utensils such as spoons, forks and knives to eat the products formed by the forging process. Most of automotive spare parts for motorcycles  either four wheel drive vehicles also formed through forging technology.

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#automotive #motorcycle #car

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